green revolution — perceptions, politics, and
facts |
by Klaus L.E. Kaiser, is the first clearly written, comprehensive
book looking at the green desires and expectations and juxtaposing
these with the physical and chemical facts and realities.
CONVENIENT MYTHS explains in common terms why many of these
green ideas will remain myths and dreams. The laws of nature cannot
be broken. No matter how much we may desire the opposite.
Keywords / Chapters:
Climate change, global warming, IPCC, government, media, propaganda, deficit, inflation, earthquakes, volcanos,
pollution, ice ages, greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, sea ice, Arctic, polar bears, seals, whales,
energy, temperature, cod, salmon, El Nino, hurricanes, typhoons, earth, freshwater, deforestation, physics, chemistry, biology,
freshwater, aquifers, desalination, disinfection, fluoridation, air, ozone, smog, acid rain, crude oil, coal, natural gas, electric power,
electric cars, fossil fuels, natural gas, nuclear, geothermal, heat pump, wave power, osmosis, wind, solar energy, biofuels, ethanol, engine,
hybrid, hydrogen, light, food, organic, genetically modified, fish, contaminants, sun, radiation, light, X-rays,
weather, droughts, floods, diseases, longevity, cancer, Alzheimer's, malaria, progress |
Popular Press Articles
2014 Articles
Wrench and Socket — Via Email Canada Free Press (2014).

The news is abuzz with a socket wrench having been printed with a 3D printer at the international space station....
Steam and Mirrors Canada Free Press (2014) and
Ice Age Now (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

... next time you watch TV and see the news anchor or a politician talking about "carbon pollution" with associated pictures of plumes coming from "smokestacks,"
just remember, it's all "steam (not smoke) and mirrors."
Outdoor Jackets and PFCs Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014) and
Ice Age Now (2014).

... As far as I can see, any exudations of PFCs come solely from the minds of GP activists and not from outdoor jackets.
How to be a Good BEE: Make Honey or Pollinate Crops? Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

The honeybees have a problem: they are confused. More specifically, they wonder whether their primary task is to produce honey or to pollinate plants....
More Alternative Energy Follies Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

Down there in California's sunny south is the Ivanpah Solar Power Facility (ISPF). It's a massive structure in the Mojave Desert that was supposed to deliver an
energy output of approximately 1.7 million MWh ...
Carbon Dioxide's Secret Swirlings Canada Free Press (2014) and
Got News Wire (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

NASA has released computer simulations of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the world's air. ...
Antarctic Sea-Ice is Not Disappearing but Increasing Canada Free Press (2014) and
Ice Age Now (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

The Christian Science Monitor (CSM) reports that "In recent years, environmental scientists have warily watched as the ice sheet on the coast of West Antarctica
has begun melting at unprecedented rates. In May, NASA glaciologists declared that the catastrophic melt of the ice sheet to be 'unstoppable."
Galactic Vacation Plans on Hold Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

Just when you thought that your next trip to a holiday resort was going to "the Moon" the news is discouraging...
Alberta oil sands column rankles ACCN reader ACCN (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).
... unbecoming to the reputation of the Chemical Institute of Canada and ACCN.
Inert Ingredients — EPA's Disgrace du Jour Canada Free Press (2014) and
Ice Age Now (2014) and others.
Principia Scientific International (2014) and
... It seems that EPA simply rubber-stamped some NGO's "wish list" without giving it any further thought.
Osmosis — An Alternative Energy Idea Gone Bust Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014) and
Energy News (2014).

Norway's Crown Princess Mette-Marit was invited to open the world's first osmosis power generation plant back in 2009. The Norwegian energy giant Statkraft
had completed the construction...
The Lego — Greenpeace Duel Canada Free Press (2014) and
Ice Age Now (2014).

The (not-so-green) Greenpeace (GP) club doesn't like Lego, the little building-blocks; toys that many children like to play with.
Sticky Stuff Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

What, you don't love ubiquitous Sticky Tape, the stuff that holds everything together? In my earlier life we called it "100-mile an hour tape."
Fur Hats Canada Free Press (2014).

Fur hats have been in and out of vogue. After decades of pressure from animal-rights activists, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) announced its decision to
replace their traditional fur hats with wool tuques.
Martini Meltdown Canada Free Press (2014) and
ca.newshub.org (2014) and
Ice Age Now (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

The Sunday Times has reached a new height of incoherence with its science editor's (Jonathan Leake) column on Arctic ice cap in 'death spiral.'
Dear Uncle Siemens — satire Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014) and
Redneck USA (2014).
Dear Uncle Siemens,
I am hearing a lot about you in the news lately. Somehow your offshore wind turbines in the German Bight can't deliver any power...
Wind Turbines but no Power Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014) and
Reclaim Our Republic (2014) and
Stop These Things (2014) and
Mothers Against Wind Turbines (2014).

The first large scale wind-power installation, some 100 km (65 miles) offshore the northwest coast of Germany has finally been connected to the grid. The Offshore-Windpark
Deutsche Bucht is a wind farm with a total of 80 wind turbine towers, each with a hub height of 100 m (300 ft.) above the sea and a combined design output of some
400 Megawatts in electric power.
Franklin's Erebus or Terror Found Canada Free Press (2014).

... this year's Victoria Strait Expedition has solved one of Canada's greatest mysteries, with the discovery of one of the two ships belonging to the Franklin
Expedition lost in 1846.
18 Years and Counting Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014) and
Ice Age Now (2014) and
Climate Change Dispatch (2014).
Eighteen years (less one month) and counting; that's the time since the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicted "global
warming" of the earth's climate but, given the length of the current cooling cycle, the "warmists" are now calling it a "warming pause."
The Balaclava Thing Canada Free Press (2014).
In case you are wondering, you are not alone. How come the fearsome jihadi fighters, shown on videos going about their business of beheadings and other deeds,
are all wearing veils, looking like niqabs? ...
Nail Polish and Date Rape Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

The Hindustan Times reports a new use for women's nail polish: as an indicator for the chemical rohypnol, commonly known as the "date rape drug" ...
The Silver Fix Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).
The cost of bread has been remarkably constant in silver terms over the last 150+ years...
Asteroid-1950-AD Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).
Brace yourself!
The Asteroid-1950-DA has a 0.3% chance to hit Earth some 800 years from now in 2880.....
Electric Ants Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

Just when you thought that you had heard it all there comes something really new, like Electric Ants....
Split Bananas Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

Nature has its own ideas about our good intentions. Bananas appear to be on her current hit list as reported by the South China Morning Post.
Nickel-101 Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).
The media are abuzz with news about another villain — the element nickel, with the chemical symbol "Ni" ...
The Biofuel Curse Canada Free Press (2014) and
Ice Age Now (2014) and
The Carbon Sense Coalition (2014) and
Intelligence Minutemen (2014) and
Got News Wire (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014) and others.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ... think that alternative energy sources (like wind and solar power) and biofuels in particular are the salvation...
The Backyard Volcano Canada Free Press (2014).

Hawaii is a favorite vacation destination. There the ocean is blue and the plants enjoy a lush environment. ...
A Costly Exercise in Futility Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).
Shortly after my recent post on the War on Mercury, the SETAC journal Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry published a series of articles on mercury in the environment. ...
Sneaky Penguins Canada Free Press (2014) and
Ice Age Now (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

The Emperor penguin colony located near Pointe Géologie in Antarctica has been observed for more than 60 years...
The Plight of the Monarch Butterflies Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

Monarch Butterflies are threatened, no doubt about that. Well-meaning groups, like LMF are grassroots efforts to encourage gardeners to grow milkweed plants, the monarchs' predominant food source.. ...
The Fading Insects Myth Principia Scientific International (2014) and
Canada Free Press (2014).
Discover magazine is warning us of the next calamity to hit the globe, namely fading insects, specifically light-colored dragon flies. ...
Towards the Holy Grail of Unlimited Energy — Controlled Nuclear Fusion Canada Free Press (2014) and
AllVoices (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

Controlled Nuclear Fusion is the term used for harnessing the energy of hydrogen bombs in a peaceful and, most importantly, controlled way....
Frogs & Flame Retardants Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).
About ten years ago, frogs were allegedly disappearing all over the world. ...
The War on Mercury Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).
President Obama's "war on coal" claims to be a "war on mercury." ...
The New Antarctic "Tipping Point" — Headlines and Facts Canada Free Press (2014) and
Freee Republic (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).
A recent headline in the New York Times says "Scientists Warn of Rising Oceans from Polar Melt." Other newspapers ...
Overpowering Spring Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).
Six months of drudgery shovelling snow and scraping the ice off your car's windshield are all forgotten, swiftly becoming a distant memory. Welcome spring!
All about the BED Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).
Are you expecting a salacious, perhaps even a lascivious story?
The Wailing about Whaling Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).
The International Court of Justice in The Hague has spoken: In a 12-to-4 judgment the court found that Japan was in breach of its international obligations...
Double-Double Trouble Canada Free Press (2014) and
Ice Age Now (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

There is a shock coming, your morning double-double or latte might soon cost you double-double as well...
Nature Rarely Listens Canada Free Press (2014).
Nature rarely listens to mankind's wishes. She dishes out hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, hot and cold weather, floods and droughts — all at her own will.
Cherish the Keys! Canada Free Press (2014).
Pianos are available, often for free, almost everywhere - as long as you are willing to pay for moving the beast....
An Ocean of Water, Deep Below Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).
Ever heard of ringwoodite? No? Unless you are a professional mineralogist...
Goodbye Electricity Canada Free Press (2014) and
Ice Age Now (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014) and
Gas Buddy.com (2014) and others.

Much of the western world assumes electric power to be available 24/7 with an unlimited supply to boot. Indeed, "Hydro" (still) is and was a readily available energy
source for every household, office and industry in most of the developed nations...
The Carbon Cycle and Royal Society Math Principia Scientific International (2014).
I would like to provide my thoughts on two aspects, namely (i) the carbon cycle and atmospheric carbon dioxide, and (ii) the Royal Society's claim of longevity of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)....
Wooly Times to Come Canada Free Press (2014) and
Ice Age Now (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

De-Extinction: Revive & Restore the Great Auk, Woolly Mammoth, North America's Passenger Pigeon, and more...
Fuddle-Duddle Cold Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).
Several decades ago, a then-Prime Minister of Canada used the F-expletive to describe his displeasure with a political opponent. The official transcript used the term 'Fuddle-Duddle' instead...
Counting the Medals Canada Free Press (2014).
With the 22nd Olympic Winter Games in Sochi concluded, the media here and there are doing a simple medal count by country to come up with a country ranking.
Is that a fair system to count the medals or are there better ways?
Needless to say, I think so!
A Lesson from the Great Barrier Reef Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

The Great Barrier Reef along Australia's northern coast has long been considered one of the world's natural wonders...
From Jade to Junk Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

China's moon rover called Yutu or Jade Rabbit may have turned into junk...
The Hunt for Water on Mars Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

Every other week or so we are treated to news about the hunt for water on Mars. Each time...
Are Paper and Pencils Passé? Canada Free Press (2014) and
AllVoices (2014) and
State of Globe (2014) and
Politomix (2014) and others.

When I talk to young people these days I often ask "do you still know what a pencil is?"
The Need for Eggs — Beyond Culinary Satisfaction Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).

In the kitchen, eggs and ice don't mix too well but in map-making they do; more specifically in preparing charts of ice coverage, commonly also known as "egg charts."
The Good, the Bad, and the Inverse Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014) and
Politomix (2014) and others.
You may have noticed, the media is reporting a steady stream of "new science" that turns everything you knew topsy-turvy...
How to Tell Good and Bad CO2 From One Another Canada Free Press (2014) and
News.Store-1.net (2014) and
Got News Wire (2014) and
Ice Age Now (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014).
... and that, dear readers, is the only difference between "good" and "bad" CO2!
Voices in the Wilderness Canada Free Press (2014) and
AllVoices (2014).

From one groundhog to another, it is time for some correspondence about what has been happening in the world. Punxsutawney Phil shares some thoughts with his cousin:
Canadian Oil Sands Canada Free Press (2014).
First described by Canadian explorer Alexander MacKenzie (1764 -1820), the Athabasca oil sands region in northern Alberta ...
Flexible Glass, A New Way To Exercise Canada Free Press (2014).
Principia Scientific International (2014).
Had enough of your treadmill, weightlifting, and similar exercise activities?
Antarctic Pleasure Cruise Canada Free Press (2013) and
AllVoices (2014) and
Got News Wire (2014) and
State of Globe (2014) and
RedFlag News (2014) and
Ice Age Now (2014).

... the "Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 2013-2014" ...
Sex, all the same Canada Free Press (2014).

... as Ernest Hemingway expressed it: Did the earth move for thee?
Blame it on the 'Polar Vortex' Canada Free Press (2014) and
Principia Scientific International (2014) and
Ice Age Now (2014) and
AllVoices (2014) and
Kollman Catholic Digest (2014).
... just in case you are wondering about the current state of "negative global warming" ...
Other Books by the Author
of chemicals to Photobacterium phosphoreum. Kaiser
KLE, Devillers J. Gordon and Breach Science Publ., ISBN:
2-88124-974-4, (1994).
in Environmental Toxicology - II. Kaiser KLE (ed.). D.
Reidel Publ. Co., ISBN: 90-277-2555-1, (1987).
in Environmental Toxicology. Kaiser KLE (ed.). D. Reidel
Publ. Co., ISBN: 90-277-1776-1, (1984).
Some other publications by the
Evolution of the
International Workshops on Quantitative Structure-Activity
Relationships (QSARs) in Environmental Toxicology. SAR
& QSAR Env. Res., 18: 3-20 (2007).
Data Sources. Chapter 2 in Predicting Chemical
Toxicity and Fate. Cronin MTD, Livingstone DJ (eds.),
CRC Press, Boca Raton, (2004).
Catalysis —
where we should apply it now! Can. Chemical News,
ACCN, 50(7/8): 27 (1999).
Hydrogen, fuel of
the future? Can. Chemical News, ACCN, 50(5):
29 (1999).
Erroneous Data: Avenues for Detection and
Prevention. Quintessence, 1(4): 13-16 (1995).
[Contact author for reprint].